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Apply by 10/19/2020 11:59PM EST
Selected Applicants will be notified on 10/20/2020
Live Office Hours 10/21/2020 12PM - 2PM EST

In this special event series, run for underserved groups of many kinds, we bring together diverse investors and accelerator representatives to create a safe and supportive space for diverse founders.  

10 founders will be chosen to be hand-matched with investors and accelerators specific to their company. The structure has resulted in real investments, as well as hires, partnerships, and other exponential outcomes.


Accelerators have put some of our generation’s most influential companies on the map. These programs support founders as they build their products and brands, and increase their chances of successful fundraising. But they also provide them with advocates and mentors—which diverse founders tell us is their biggest need aside from financial capital.


So we asked ourselves: what if we could make accelerators more accessible, helping diverse innovators in tech expand their networks in meaningful ways?

Our goal: To activate the accelerator community as a way to lay the groundwork for a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible tech ecosystem in New York City and beyond.