Matching Founders with Top Accelerators



Accelerating Access

Accelerators have put some of our generation’s most influential companies on the map. These programs increase the chances for a founder to successfully fundraise — as well as to support founders as they build their ventures.

But they also provide founders with advocates and mentors — the biggest need for founders aside from financial capital.

So we asked ourselves: what if we could make accelerators more accessible, helping entrepreneurs of all kinds to expand their networks in meaningful ways?

Cela is partnering with the Morgan Stanley Multicultural Innovation Lab to connect founders of all kinds to capital, mentorship, and communities of support.

Morgan Stanley’s Multicultural Innovation Lab (the “Lab”) is an accelerator program that targets companies with women or multicultural founders that have the potential to develop innovative technology solutions that promote a more inclusive and sustainable future.


Our goal:

Make a more accessible tech ecosystem by bringing the world’s top accelerators together.


How it works:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Selected founders will be matched with 4 accelerator programs from the Cela network for a 1:1 meeting with each accelerator

Step 3:

In the 1:1 meeting, founders will get insights from each mentor, as well as get further connections to: investment, hiring, sales, product, legal, accounting, and more!



Tuesday, April 26th, 2PM EST | VIRTUAL!  

10 founders will be chosen to be hand-matched with investors and accelerators specific to their company. The structure has resulted in real investments, as well as hires, partnerships, and other exponential outcomes.



Confirmed Mentors


Past Mentors
